- Author Description
- Enumeration
- Web Application Enumeration
- SQLMap - SQL Injection
- Web Application Exploitation
- Local Privilege Escalation
Author Description
The LAMPSecurity project is an effort to produce training and benchmarking tools that can be used to educate information security professionals and test products.
Author: madirish2600
Download: VulnHub
Dislcaimer: Multiple Entry Points
The LAMPSecurity series is not particularly challenging, for each VM in the series I've targeted the web application as the entry point.
Host Service Enumeration
Port | Service | Version Detection |
OpenSSH 4.3 (protocol 2.0) |
Apache httpd 2.2.3 ((CentOS)) |
pop3 |
Dovecot pop3d |
rpcbind |
N/A |
Dovecot imapd |
Apache httpd 2.2.3 ((CentOS)) |
N/A |
Dovecot imapd |
Dovecot pop3d |
MySQL 5.0.45 |
Web Application Enumeration
Inspection of the Web Application indicated it was vulnerable to SQL injection.
SQLMap - SQL Injection
SQLMap confirmed SQL injection) was possible.
SQLMap form enumeration:
SQLMap database dump + admin account hash cracked:
Web Application Exploitation
Using the previously discovered admin account credentials, it was possible to login to the web application and upload a php reverse shell using an image upload form.
Local Privilege Escalation
A successful reverse shell was establish and the kernel appeared to be vulnerable to a well know Linux 2.6 kernel udev exploit.
The exploit requires the PID for the udev process, the exploit does not work flawlessly as you can see below it may take several attempts to get a root shell.
Thanks for the VM :)